Vol 9 No. 19 Annual Report

Dear Folks,

The newsletter for this week is my report for the annual Assembly reflecting on 2012. I trust
that you all have access to it, as each church received 3 copies of the Annual Report. I am also looking
forward to seeing many folk in Calgary at Assembly at the end of the month.


Jeremy Bell

Dear all,

I wish to share with you some of the most significant things that have been part of this

  • Keats Camp has had a re-birth this summer and had well over 1000 campers.
    They have closed the gap on their deficit last year, and may be in a balanced
    position for the camping season. I preached at Keats in July and was very
    encouraged by the new life there, and especially by Dan Galpin, Cheyla Reader,
    and Heather & Bob Thomson.
  • Our summer youth service ministry SERVE was in Peace River, AB in 2012.
    Danice Carlson saw an increase in churches and individual participation from
    about 180 folks in 2011 to 220 in 2012, and from 10 churches to 18 churches.
  • SERVE 2013 will be held in Winnipeg, MB.
  • Our first Celebration Dinners in the Peace Region were on 28 – 29 September
    2012, with four churches in attendance.
  • It has come to my attention that some dear folk think that we are charged for the
    use of the Vancouver offices. We are not. They are free. They have always been
    free. Rumours like this are unhelpful. They are based on bad communication
    on my part, lack of questioning in some cases, or mischief. It is the latter that is
  • We have worked in concert with Carol Mager & the Budget Committee, and Greg
    Anderson & the Finance Committee, to respond appropriately to the flattening of
    the economy, and the challenges of investing in this environment in the areas of
    charitable giving and investments.
  • As you will see from our budget proposal, we are closing in on revenue
    enhancement and cuts well in excess of half a million dollars. This is the second
    major set of cuts in 2 years, but we are satisfied that they can be achieved,
    although there are major modifications in ministry to do so.
    As you will recall, our churches continue to be visionary and generous. The Chin
    Church in Vancouver, BC increased their contributions from $2000 to $4500,
    including a $500 contribution to benevolence (this is a church of 40% teens,
    and many who have 2, sometimes 3, jobs). First Baptist Ponoka, AB church
    increased its contribution by 2.9%, well in excess of inflation. Kitsilano Christian
    Community, Vancouver, BC, raised their contribution from over $8000 a year to
    over $17,000. Thanks be to God.

We are committed to:

    • Creating an annual surplus (which reverses a trend that many of us,
      including Greg Anderson, have noticed). We look on track to do so.
    • Creating a cash reserve. This year we have not borrowed from our line of
      credit. It should be noted that the CBWC Board’s decision to make some
      cuts in January 2012 contributed greatly to some of the financial stability
      we have having right now. We continue to be encouraged by the financial
      contributions and commitments to church planting, and the reduction of
      our debt.
  • We have planned a fundraising event in Calgary, AB and Edmonton, AB.
  • With the professional expertise and input of Ben Johnson (a consultant for Union
    Gospel Mission, Open Door, and Mustard Seed Victoria, Island Savings, as
    well as Royal Roads University) and a session & advice with Gord King (former
    World Visions corporate donations, and CBM Sharing way), we embarked on an
    inter-disciplinary staff consultation on money. This day included over a dozen
    staff members involved in producing, writing, and graphics, in both ministry and
    education. We spent a day together with representatives from the denomination,
    Keats, and Carey, and we will continue to do so in the months ahead.
  • There have been considerable staff changes in the last few months.
    • The Heartland office has seen the departure of Gayle Meyer, who ably
      served us, and Cindy Emmons joining us on 15 October 2012.
    • Louanne Haugan has joined the Calgary office in the area of pensions &
      benefits, and church contact services.
    • Jessica Lin has joined us to replace the work that Julia Hamilton did in
    • All three of these individuals come from our own churches or related
      congregations, but were hired based on skills, not on affiliation.
    • Nataliya D’yachenko joined us earlier in 2012 from the CBWC-F with
      expertise in finance and software.
    • Nadia VanderKuip, who works for Carey, but is also the CBWC STM
      Coordinator, has taken a position with Urban Promise in Camden, NJ, as
      head of their international work. (I note with some restraining of comment
      that their international work includes Vancouver and Toronto…being born
      in Britain, the Empire continues to exist, the names just change – just
  • Victor Ku has successfully completed his first year, which was made possible by
    the hard transition and work of Bob Webber.
  • David Holten continues to work with us in the area of church relations, and is of
    valuable assistance in our relationships with churches. I draw your attention to
    his excellent column “Treasurers Corner” which goes to over 155 people.
  • We experimented for the first time with CBWC Sunday. Because of scheduling
    reasons, we were not able to do this in conjunction with CBM. Many of our
    churches have missions Sundays. Very few of them include us in those
    celebrations. The trend this next year will be to establish not only CBWC
    Sundays, but a regular presence on congregational mission events.
  • I am very excited about Assembly “The Gathering” (30 May – 2 June 2013)
    and particularly our commitment and role in this denomination to bring the full
    gospel of Jesus Christ to our lives, our congregations, and our communities.
    The presence of God, the depth and breadth of giftedness He has given us
    as a family of churches, and the natural human resources that has created an
    unprecedented prosperity in Western Canada grants us, and others who are
    faithful, an opportunity that is truly exciting.
  • We have been working with other denominations around their church and
    denominational and ministry audits. I want to present a ministry audit instrument
    and metric that we can all agree with implementing.
  • Leadership forums have been reported earlier and we continue to see new
    potential sites show possibilities. We are in (very tentative) discussions with
    Calgary, Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Lower Mainland, and Vancouver Island.

    • The initial format is as follows and will be modified and customized by
      each group.

500 – 530: Welcome, gathering
530 – 600: Worship and teaching
600 – 645: Dinner (minimalistic, cost by donation)
645 – 730: Affinity groups (youth, church planting, etc)
730 – 820: Main teaching / sharing / training sessions (including
welcoming, knowing your neighbour, evangelism, money, cross
cultural care)
820 – 830: Prayer / close

I want to thank our outgoing Board members: Jan Paasuke, Glenn Rabuka, Carol
Mager, Mary Stuber Doerksen, Al Grochowski, Betty Smith, Donna Marie Orr, and Mary

Thank you to Shelby Gregg for all her work and assistance.

I want to especially mention the hard work, courage, and friendship of Jan Paasuke. On
behalf of the Board and myself – thank you.

We welcome as a leader in our midst our new President, Greg Anderson.

Grace and Peace be with you.


In Christ,


