Dear Folks,
It would be inappropriate for me to comment on Assembly before the “Survey Monkey” responses come in as so many perspectives on our time together are valid. Wait a minute…what is “Survey Monkey”…it is an online survey and a way of commenting on Assembly, and is sent to those who were registered. Many of you had a chance to pick up a hard copy of the evaluation form for The Gathering: CBWC Assembly 2013. We have also sent out an email to all those who registered with a link to the same evaluation form, but in an online version. The email we used was the one we had from your registration form. If you did not receive the link, please check with the person who registered you on behalf of your church, or contact Shelby Gregg ( The Assembly Committee values your feedback as we look to plan for 2015.
Here, however, is some news:
- Jan Paasuke our CBWC President for the last 4 years has completed her work. So many of us give thanks for her faithfulness, steady hand and clear leadership. Thank you Jan, I will miss you.
- Greg Anderson has become our new CBWC President. Greg is the lead Pastor at Riverdale Baptist Church, Whitehorse, Yukon. Greg has extensive and varied pastoral and administrative positions and has a professional background in accounting
- The following talks will be available in a few weeks on our website:
- Jamie McIntosh from International Justice Ministries on “ Culture and the Word”
- Anna Robbins engaged us in a challenging talk in “Converting Culture: Welcome to Wonderland!”
- Jeremy Bell’s “State of the Denomination”
Further important news for all of us:
- Shelby Gregg who has been the Administrative Associate in Vancouver for almost 7 years leaves in August to pursue her love of travel. Shelby has facilitated the work of the CBWC Board, Policy and Procedures, a host of other projects and has been very helpful in making my work possible. I shall, we all shall, miss her. I’ll say more closer to the date of her departure.
In Christ,