Vol 9 No. 33 Camp Update

Dear Folks,

As we normally do this time of year, we put together a list of prayer concerns, challenges and any other comments that camping directors like to share with us as the camping season comes a close. This year is no different.

“We have had several commitments to Christ so we need to pray that these kids will continue to grow as well as find friends and adults that will be helpful and encouraging.

 We still have room in our last two camps but people are still signing up so we hope that the numbers continue to grow for these.  One is a junior camp and the other is a senior teen camp.

 We are still trying to get another electrician to come to the camp and help us with our power upgrade.  Everyone is so busy that they can pick and choose their jobs.  Those that are more money and less effort seem to get the attention.  Planning on doing this after camp is over now that it is so late in the season.

 We are need of some more board members to give us full slate as well as some that would like to go off the board that need replacements.

 Camp has gone so well, may our last camps of the season receive a special presence of God’s transforming power.”

 – Walter Willford, Executive Director, Katepwa Lake Camp

“All is well here.  Next week is Sr. Teens and I always feel like that is an extra important week because of the percentage of kids that walk away from the church after high school and the small percentage of people that come to faith after they turn 18.  Please pray for God’s will to be done, for the campers to be ready and open, the staff to be welcoming, humble and gracious, and for teens to have their lives changed forever.”

– Steve Roadhouse, Executive Director, Gull Lake Centre

We have listed our camps below so that you can continue to pray for each of them.
Pray especially for safety for all, a sense of initial belonging for campers new to camp, for sustaining energy for staff as the last few camps are in session, and for young people who have made a faith commitment that they will find support for discipleship once at home.

  • Keats Camps, Keats Island, BC
  • Gull Lake Centre, Gull Lake near Lacombe, AB
  • Mill Creek Baptist Camp, Mill Creek near Pincher Creek, AB
  • Camp Wapiti, near Grande Prairie, AB
  • The Quest at Christopher Lake, Christopher Lake near Prince Albert, SK
  • Katepwa Lake Camp, Katepwa Lake near Fort Qu’Appelle, SK
  • Zao Ministries



In Christ,





