Vol 9 No. 6 A Time of Prayer


Dear Folks,

Here are some on-going prayer concerns, or simply items for thanksgiving:

We have written lately on thanksgiving for lives well lived.  Pray for those closest to those who have died as they grieve.

There are many who are ill.  Pray for those in chronic pain or difficulty; pray for those in treatment that causes their (and those close to them) anxiety.

Thanksgiving for Rob Ogilvie’s continued recovery from a detached retina.

Pray for the Carey Presidential search committee; for Faye Puddicombe, the Chair, and for George Sears, the Carey Board Chair, in this transition.

The V.P. of Administration at Carey, David Carlson, a long time friend, colleague and the welcoming face of Carey is retiring at the beginning of this summer. Bless you David.

Pray for Assembly 2013 in Calgary and Glenn Rabuka, the Chair of the Planning Committee. Thank you, Glenn, and all who help you, especially Heather Thomson.

Jan Paasuke, our CBWC President, is coming to the end of her term; Jan is a deeply appreciated and experienced leader in our midst.

Pray for David Simpson, the chair of our nominations committee for the CBWC Board.

Cindy Emmons, our Heartland Regional Administrator, and her husband, Ryan, are expecting a baby in June. Prayer for all that Cindy does in Devin’s absence and for all her preparations for a new baby.

Pray for Devin Seghers (and his wife Joan) as he still struggles with post-concussive symptoms as a result of an assault in October. Pray for Dennis Stone as he works with the (yet to be announced) Heartland interims, and for the Heartland churches as Devin recovers.


Many Thanks,


In Christ,


