Vol 9 No. 9 Meetings, Planning, Prayer

Dear Folks,

As I write this, I am really encouraged to be in the midst of the New Pastor’s Orientation. It ends
later today. Please pray for those listed below, especially as they go back to their homes after half a
week away.

Here are their names and places:

Mark Archibald – First Baptist Church, Lethbridge

Jared Braun – Charlie Lake Community Church, Charlie Lake

Jay Campo – First Baptist Church, Calgary

Stephen Carleton – Westview Baptist Church, Calgary

Peter Chong – Rising Sun Christian Fellowship

Sean Cruickshank – The Quest at Christopher Lake

Rob Des Cotes – A Rocha

Kristy Dyer – Awaken Church, Calgary

Scott Fisk – High River Baptist Church, High River

Daniel Galpin – Keats Camps

Leighton Gust – Westhill Park Baptist Church, Regina

Dean Haugan – First Baptist Church, Calgary

Kevin Haugan – Trinity Baptist, Sherwood Park

Doug Janzen – Calvary Baptist Church, Fort St. John

Albert Kao – Canaan Life Spring

Garry Mullen – VantagePoint Community Church, Edmonton

Jason Ottmann – Asquith Baptist Church, Winnipeg

Cathy Schulze – First Baptist Church, Edmonton

Joe Welty – Broadway – First Baptist Church, Winnipeg

On Thursday, the Executive Staff will be joined by Area Administrators and communications
folk in the second gathering of this group. This is the communications hub. They are also the resourcers
and those who seek to help us on our own way in our personal lives, (pension and benefits, continuing
education, etc.) and in our churches (everything from settlement, to advice on a multitude of things).
Please pray for our work in bringing together these diverse services and resources in meeting the needs
of our family of churches.

Executive Staff meets Friday because many are already in town, and it saves on travel costs. Rob
Ogilvie is continuing to recover from a detached retina. Devin Seghers is still on long-term disability;
pray for him in this. Dennis Stone, with Josh Goetz and Mark Doerkson, are covering Devin’s work until
June when we will look at this again.

The Carey Senate and Board meets on Saturday. Brian Stelck will remain in a half-time role for
the next three months, but this is Brian’s last set of meetings in his full-time place of leadership. I will
pen a full response to Brian’s leaving later but I shall miss him in a strong and great way. There will be a
dinner in recognition of Brian’s ministry and a Godspeed to both Brian and Caryn, in their transition and
new opportunities.

Many thanks to so many,

God be with you.



In Christ,


